
AMU extends date of continuation.

By : Anas khan

official notice by AMU controller.

Recently , a decision was taken by the authority to levy charges on those student's who do not submit their fees and provide continuation in time as ,  at the  last moment it creates a problem and hurdle  in the way of  offices and  the controller respectively  .

The charges which where levied on student's recently was removed because of the resisitance from student's and senior's who later took the matter in their own hand's and were  successfull in demanding an extension and exception from the charges.
22nd of  August 2017  
will however be the last date to submit without the late fee charge , notice will be put by tom in the majority of departments .
All student's are requested to pay at the earliest as there will no more extension provided  .

 Continuation/ Readmission without late payment the last date was  12.08.2017
Now it has been extended to 22.08.2017
The charges of Rs 500 in the first week and 1000 in the second week is removed for now till 22nd 
Student's who have already paid can demand a refund if possible by contacting the controller office .

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